The Misfit Toys™
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The long awaited release of The Haunt is here. It took nearly two years to film and edit as a short
film where the song replaces dialog. With the recording and release of the new Misfit Toys album 'Closure'
the film underwent another edit to bring it under the 7 minute mark needed for YouTube. Here it is"
By Misfit Toys Starring Kate Lyn Moore
This song is available on the album 'Closure' by the Misfit Toys
Edited down from a short film in which the Misfit Toys song
"The Haunt" served as the only dialog and soundtrack this Gothic tale
of a woman's infidelity and haunting guilt tells it's story in 7 minutes of
suspense and imagery that will keep you guessing and breathing deeply until
the very end.
The film stars the beautiful actress and model Kate Lyn Moore and features Ukrainian
vocalist Victory Vizhanska in her first recording with the Misfit Toys. The
intriguing guitar work by the guitar wizard Dennis Kapoyos will hold you captivated
and in no time your heart will be beating in synchronicity with the song.
Misfit Toys have never shied away from paying tribute to Siouxsie and the Banshees
and this song may bring you back to the time when Dark music was more than groans
and three note series on an organ.
Fans of the Cure, Sisters of Mercy, Ministry, Banshees or other purveyors of
Dark Anthems are sure to enjoy this and add the song to their play lists. For
others this may be a new experience in music and lead you down a dark road.
Not to people who dress like it's Halloween and give lip service to the classics but to those who take their music seriously, sometimes too seriously. "Dark Wave" and "Gothic Rock" do not at all imply any ties to Devil or Demon worship. There ay be a similarity at time to this genre of music and horror films but the reverse isn't true. God divided the dark from the light and we live in both. Our lives have ups and down and we all have 'dark days' and that is where the music of Misfiot Toys comes in. We provide not only a sympathetic ear but a voice and a song for yours to let you feel you are not alone, we all have dark times in our lives. While some bands feeel the need to spend their energies on death releated things, vampires, blood or dressing themselves to be as ugly as possible that has never been the Misfit Toys. I believe we took our cue from the bands we liked such as the Cure and the Banshees. Our music doesn't celebrate misery or dark things. It simply provides a soundtrack to life.
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Poseurs 12-85
The Misfit Toys very first appearance on video with our original drummer and with a keyboard player
Here is a video celebrating a great video/dance new Wave night club in Washington DC's Georgetown named "Poseur's". We were there pretty much every weekend we weren't gigging.
And two more from the full video unedited.
The ever popular love song, featuring Elizabeth on vocals. The realization that what once was is gone, or maybe it never existed.
_Return to Home Page <Here> _November 4
"Stop and Fade Away" from the Closure Album Feb. 2023 Is he real or just her imagination come to life to tease her?
"Swept Away" featuring Victory Vizhanska on Vocals Beautiful song of a confession of broken loyality and fidelity.
Song is set over clips from the BBC presentation of "Lily", the story of Lily Langtery
__ "Bells will Ring" Recorded live This is my homage to our singer's Spanish roots
it features her playing castanettes
"The Ordinary" Music Video Starring Elizabeth * Youtube link to watch
"Promise Me" Live Video with Studio Audio. The first song Ed and Elizabeth wrote together and it holds up well today.
Official Video Link to Youtube Here ->
"Domino" Official Video Featuring Photos of the CD cover of 'Too Short", the limited Edition CD featuring 7 Studio
Recordings that closed out that era of the Misfit Toys. The song is intense and Dark, a sharp contrast to the
other videos on this page. Powerful druming and guitar work to make the heart race.
Misfit Toys 1988 At
9:30 Club Washington DC .
To watch the now world 'Famous' video "The Ordinary"
Here is a copy of a video tape that recorded the band's performance at
the "Grog and Tankard" on December 20, 1986. It features both cover material and originals along with a few surprises. It was a fun night for everyone. We played several Blondie songs plus a great renditipon of The Who's song 'Sea and Sand" from the Quadrophenia album. I made a last minute song list change that surprised Dennis but he rolled with it on a Stray Cat's song "Built for Speed". We also covered severa;l songs from The Cure and Siouxsie and the Banshees "Inbetween days, M, Christine, Paradise Place". The last song is the Misfit Toys version of The Who's "Sea and Sand". Unfortunately the breaker blew close to the end and we lost all power for a few minutes. The soundboard tape contains the completed song.
I had to upload the concert in four pieces to watch or download.
The Grog and Tankard Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four
Clck here to watch or download Misfit Toys at The Bayou Night club in Georgetown. In 3 Parts => 1<= ~>2<~ +> 3 <+
Soundboard audio from Bayou 1988 Mp3 Here Stop and fade away, Empty Garden. Your Lies,
Mirror Image (Shadows) Fade to Black, Domino, The Ordinary, I can't Go, Bells will Ring, Lost then Found,
Dark House, Destiny, Run from Love, Promise Me, This side of Paradise, Someday, Invisible, Heart of Sand,
"Stop and Fade Away" from the Album "Too Short"
"Heart of Sand" from the album "Too Short"
:Fade to Black from "Too Short"
"Fade to Black" From "Closure"