Radio Interviews and Music Shows

 Misfit Toys understood from the beginning that people will not beat a path to your door to listen to your original music. Most bands original songs either sound like a copy of someone else's hit played poorly or it is a bizarre pairing of awkward verses and chorus so that ultimately a guitar solo can be over played. Clubs are well aware of this and are right fully leery of hiring an unknown local band to lure a sizable crowd to their club. Bands spend years trying to prove themselves worthy of being listened to either live or on record. From the very beginning at our first gig we played original and cover material. People do not generally go and see a band they have never heard of so bands must find a way to get their name and their original music in front of their intended public.
   The 80's were a great time for bands with a small following to be signed by record labels. Many fantastic albums were released and followed up by another one or two before disappearing into oblivion. There were many excellent albums coming out almost every week so that it was difficult to keep up with the new bands and albums unless you hung out at a record store where the news was always on top of things and by the late 80's you could buy concert tickets there.In the Washington DC area it seemed like everyone was into music and the numerous clubs were always full. I know that is simply an incorrect memory but it seemed that way. There were hundreds of bands all vying for a chance to open for a national touring band and Misfit Toys were no different. The local idea was the 9:30 Club and The Bayou Night Club. The two main radio stations were WHFS for a progressive or alternative variety of music or WWDC (DC 101) for mainstream rock. Both stations developed a spot to promote local bands and each week they would select one or more to play on air and possibly interview. Misfit Toys did a lot of radio interviews both at home and on the road. As my personal habit was of collecting live recordings and interviews of bands I liked I carried it over to Misfit Toys and recorded all of our concerts and radio interviews. Some are quite lengthy and others are short and performed by collage radio station volunteers who had no idea about how to interview a band.

  I am going to upload several here to the band's official website for our enjoyment. Some of these recordings made their way into circulation after the band stopped touring and I have come across people in other countries who had been listening to copies of the interview music for years until our recent release of "Closure". In some cases the music played by the radio station was a special mix of newly recorded songs that had not been released yet.
  Here is a short version of the "Local Licks" radio show from DC 101 in 1986. The other bands have been edited out because this is all about Misfit Toys. I am presenting it as a .wav file for fidelity reasons and so if you choose to download the songs they will be high quality. Again, these are not the same mix as songs on the band's initial cassette tape or the "Too Short" CD. Feel free to leave comment s at our

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 There will be more recordings to follow.

   DC 101 Local Licks Spring 1987     DC 101 Local Licks Summer 1987