10-20-24  /|\

I have stacks and staks of photos in front of me and I finally began to scan them last night. I didn't check off or remove the photos I have already sent you from what I previuously put on this site so I'm leaving them alone.

 I may have told you I have many duplicates of some photos, often because I bout sets or 'lots' of photos from collectors and from businesses that did away with hard copies of photos and scanned all they had into their media files. I know you are not a dealer and that is one reason why I sell the photos to you at less than wholesale prices. When I have never seen a photo before in any collection or online gallery I often paid more than $40.00 for the one photo. If you remember dealing with film, a roll could be 12, 24, 36 or even 100 shots on that one roll. The negatives could be a wide variety of sizes. Generally a roll of film was developed and a 'contact sheet' was made. This is where the negatives are all placed flat under glass and on top of a sheet of photo paper and then exposed to light so all the photos appear at once in their original size. From here a photographer chooses the ones worthy of being enlarged and having multiple copies made. A photo that looks really good or captures just what the assignment was might have dozens of prints made at that time. These are "Original" prints. If he sells all of them and needs more the next batch of prints, even if a day later with the same paper and negatives no longer an original print. For dealers, the contact sheet is more valuable than the prints. That said, since I was a photographer for so long I tried to collect as many photos from a set as possible. It is like my son's camera when he was little may have 5 photos from Christmas, 4 from Easter and 10 from the fourth of July all on the same roll. I would try to collect say, the Eva Braun photos can sometimes be collected in groups. Since she worked at a camera shop she no doubt got her film for free and she developed them herself. Gretl not only worked there but was so good Hoffman sent her to a photography school. Many times the photos of Eva are taken by Gretl while others by an ever present body guard. her body guards were chosen from the SS detachment stationed at the Obersalzberg and could change. She loved to dance like most women and Hitler didn't, like most men so her partners would often be her body guard. Modern people often speculate that these unknown men were lovers but no one who knew her doubts her fidelity with Adolf.

So I tried for many years to collect the photos taken on a trip to the Eagle's Nest in 1942 Eva took with Gretl, Herta and a guard sans-uniform. He was unarmed and in lederhosen but still served to sooth Hitler's worries about Eva being alone. I believe I have 17 photos from that one day. They come from many sources to the quality and the paper varies. Generally if a photo is printed on 'double weight' or heavy weight photo paper it was intended for file use and a long life with a suspected need for future use. There is also a medium and a "normal' weight paper used for these news type photos. I prefer to sell the photos that took me so very long to put together as a set than individually. The only downside is that one of the photos id of Herta Schneider alone. That alone is rare because she thought Eva beautiful and her own looks lacking. Some time Gretl and Eva tried to look alike, doing their hair and makeup alike and even wearing similar clothes. This day on the mountain is one of those that it takes a good eye to tell them apart in several photos. One towards the end is of Gretl probably drunk on wine photographed teasing the man but photographed from the bottom of her feet while on a recliner. Very strange and the photo suffers from over exposure from the sunlight . The sun is very bright at that altitude and there is little in the atmosphere to filter it. By afternoon the exposure is very difficult to get right and not have the normal whites 'blown out' and no details while the shadows are far too dark and the eyes are just circles of black for not even the whites of the eyes showing up. Modern restorers from the past 25 years make the photos vastly better than the originals and restorers such as "freitag" improve them. I have both types of photos and even some freitag prints. Before eBay there really was no demand for the 'bad' prints from Eva's photos. I've lost bids on single photos of Eva that ultimate sold for over $125.00 I normally set ,y limit at $100

My shoulder replacement id September 30 so I am anxious to get sales of this group and the past ones completed before then since I won't be able to drive for at least a week. Along with the four broken screws holding this shoulder to my bones that will need to be removed the surgeon is using a section of a cadaver's hip to reinforce the new screws. It is a lengthy surgery that has it's risks but I'm unconcerned. God has taken care of me through many worse situations and I'm convinced He isn't finished with me at this point in my life. I will have a lot of co-payments to make but the surgery itself is taken care of my Medicare and my health insurance. I want to get as many photos uploaded as I can before putting prices and names or background info on them in case you are not ready to buy anything and this sale gets put off until after my surgery. Since this is wordy like an email I'll delete it after a week or two so every time either of us go to your page we are not looking at it. There is no one anywhere who has a link to this page so its not like anyone else will see it or need to see it. You can email me with any questions or comments. If you see three photos that look the same rest assured they are three different. I also have a 11 by 9 inch vinyl envelope that I am placing all the photos as soon as i scan them so they won't be lost unless I loose all of them at once. - enjoy looking through them. Ed  I ran this through Spell check twice and theere arwe still errors, sorry.




I scanned more photos and again placed these in a folder where they can't be confused with pjhotos i previously scanned or sold. I also don't anticipate looseing these when you are ready to buy any.There aere a lot of duplicates, often from different sources and I still have several large stacks to go through but I will be having surgery first thing Monday morning Sept. 30 and will be hospitalized for two days or more before i can drive the 145 miles back home by myself. So the photos above this line of stars are the newest scans.








                                                                                            September 20 above this line   15 photos I want to sell as a group. I have other copies of some that may be larger or better quality. It took

                                       about 12cyears or more to collect al of these.





                                          $12                                                $12                                                                   $20                                                                                                               $5.

  Five photos of Eva Braun taken at Hoffmans 1929 or 30. I have tywo more of her from this set I haven't found yet. I also have several of Gretl at Hoffmans.


                        8 X 6 is $10. last is $15.          


                                                                                                                                 Heinrich Himmler at Wolf's lair Poland $12.00






AH and Sepp Dietrich w/Hein Springer              AH, Gen. Bloomberg, Goebbels  $10      Eva in white outfit at Berghof   $5           Eva at beach 1936      $5

          and Herman Fegelein  $25





    Ah and Nuncio    $25                                  Himmler and Hoffman'Day of German Art' book. $20


         Eva Braun at Olympics  $20    German solders watch as prisoners are execued  $12    Hindenberg and AH $10


     Gretl, Fanny, Eva costume party  $7         AH and Ev aat Berghof front entrance steps  $5           Eva on lounger 1936     $12               





   Eva formal Portrait flawed  $12                                Gretl over shoulder shot   $5                                                         Young Eva in a fur stole  $10


      Blonde full shot       $15                    Eva blonde crop shot    $10           Eva on Tea house path railing $10       Eva with Airdale? Terrier?  $10             Eva with King at berghof $12



   Gretl at Berghof desk    $12                  Gretl at Eagle's nest    $12                 Gretl Headshot      $10             Hitler RPP Unused  $35                  Leader with 'King"  $35.00




 RPPC or "Real Photo Post Card(s) just to show you Last is a negative for a real photo and how it looks reversed                                     Yes, three different prints of this photo


                            Eva Formal dinner  $15                       Gretl sitting on cabinet    $20            Gretl w/Eva  1936  $10                 Eva split sleeve on Lounger  $10


Video of Julius Stricher at Nuremberg Trials.  Here


  Eva and herta at Eva's Munich House $7   *  Eva and heta on Grass  $9               *Eva with Stazi at ski slope   $5        * Eva and terrier    $10                         * Eva in chair on Terrace       $6


       * Eva nd kids at Eagle's nest   $8           * Eva in split sleeve blouse   $5        * Eva and Stazi at her house in Munich $5      


                                                  * Inge Braun's Wedding        $9         *    Eva and friends in her yard at Munich House $8                 Berghof at night in snow  $7



              Eva Hennie At Berghof   $7                 Herta and Eva      $10               Eva on Terrace with camera     Both photos $15                                                 



           Gretl and Eva    $12                       Reinhard Heydrich with wife and baby   $10         Eva on railing   $5                         Adolf and Eva at front steps  $4


                 Eva with Fawn     $7            Eva with "King"      $10             Eva nd Gretl walking Berghof near SS Barraks $20


      Ilse's weding showing Eva and Gretl $15___ Gretl at Eagles Nest ___Eva abd Gretl at Eagles nest  both $35  Gretl seated portrait $25  _                             _ gretl face portrait soft $22


     Gretl and Husband Hermann Fegelein  $10 ~ Gretl with bare shoulders $10 ~     Berghof costume party with mother and sisters $15  ~ Young Eva in a fur  $10



   Eva photographs Adolf with kids  $15                    Eva Sun Bathing    $10                              Eva photographs Adolf with children $5.00     Terrace side steps  $6.00