Fusco Family History as Assembled by George Fusco

















































          Supplemental Photos

  Here you will find high quality scans of the photos in my father's ( George ) collection of family photographs. Where you see terrible quality photos in

  the album with or without text I have attempted to supply a replacement in this section that you can download and print or take to have a professional print made. many I removed cracks, dirt, tears and other imperfections. Some are at very high resolution.

  It is my hope that the family with contribute to this album even if only for their own immediate family by adding updates or simply information that was missed. In your digital copy you can add your family photos for a better chance of preservation. Feel free to comment on the events written about with your

own perspective or memories. Tell everyone in the family who may be interested to downlad their copy and add onto it. If you desire me to edit what is here or to add photos to this section simply email me at EdsImagery@Aol.com and send me scans or if you are unable to scan photos then send them to me and I will do it and return your photos promptly.

 With that said, I suggest checking back to this web address from time to time until I remove it. The web address shows that the mother website is that of my long time band the Misfit Toys. No one can search and find this page, so rest assured it is completely private. This web page has no link to it and so you must copy and paste the URL.


















                                                                                          Color Slides taken by George Fusco

     Below is a series of color slides I scanned and cleaned up a littel. Theree is surface mold which shows up as spots. These sliodes were mixedd up in a box titled 1957 but since I wasn't born until 1958 and theree are

  Images of me both as an inmfant and a bit older I will date the slides from 1956 to 1963. They appear to have \eeb taken by my father but I'd say he needed glasses because the focus was off in a number of them.